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首页 > 产品 > 产品类型 > 试剂 > 生化试剂
Glass beads, acid-washed 玻璃珠
货号:T4491 | 规格:10g | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:BMASSAY
BMASSAY® 提供Glass beads, acid-washed 玻璃珠 。BMASSAY®提供众多高纯度的生化试剂,包括抗生素、氨基酸、维生素、酶和辅酶、蛋白质、缓冲液、染色剂、层析介质、动植物激素、糖 碳水化合物、酸和盐、碱基 核酸及其衍生物等。
粒子大小:425-600μm(30-40U.S. sieve)
Density: 2.5 g/ml;
Refractive index: 1.51-1.52;
Compressive strength (psi average): 36,000;
Poisson’s Ratio (psi): 0.21;
Rigidity Modulus (psi): 4.3 x 106;
Young’s Modulus (psi): 10 x 106;
Hardness (Knoop 100 g load): 515 kg/mm2;
Coefficient of friction (static): 0.9-1.0;
Chemical composition: soda-lime silica glass;
Softening point (dilatometer): 589 °C;
Expansion Coefficient (25-300 °C): 85 x 107 per °C;
Strain point: 505 °C;
Annealing point: 548 °C;
Dielectric Constant: 1 Kc 7.6 D.C.;
Volume Resistivity (Ohm-cm): 25 °C 6.5 x 1012;
Lost tangent:1 Kc 2.0% 100 Kc 1.0%.

A bead size of 0.5 mm is recommended for use in breaking open yeast cells. A protocol for the use of 0.45 to 0.55 mm acid-washed glass beads from Sigma for cell disruption of yeast cells has been published.
