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Vacuum Manifold in 96 Plate Format,真空歧管96孔板
货号:LC-VAC-MANIFOLD-KIT | 规格:96孔 | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
真空歧管96孔板,Use of a vacuum manifold for sample clean up speeds up processing times. Ludger's Velocity vacuum manifold system is compatible with cartridges or plates, and is a valuable tool for your lab.
Vacuum manifold in 96 plate format

1 unit, comprising a base and lid – Reusable

The Ludger-Velocity SPE vacuum manifold system is a 96 well microplate format system which enables analysts using Ludger-Velocity solid phase clean up systems to process up to 96 samples imultaneously. The system can be used with individual clean up cartridges (such as LudgerClean™ T1 cartridges for purification of glycans postfluorophore labeling) or 96 well plate clean up devices