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Galactose Colorimetric Detection Kit
货号:K042-H1 | 规格:2x96 well | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Arbor Assays
Arbor Assays半乳糖检测试剂盒/Galactose Colorimetric Detection Kit可快速检测各种样品中的半乳糖,灵敏度0.493 mg/dL,仅需30分钟。



样本类型:Serum, Plasma, Buffers, Tissue Culture Media

灵敏度:0.493 mg/dL

Time to Answer:30分钟

Samples/Kit:88 in Duplicate

稳定性:Liquid 4°C Stable Reagents

DetectX®半乳糖(Galactose)检测试剂盒提供D-(+)-半乳糖标准品以生成测定的标准曲线,所有样品应从标准曲线中读出。将样品与比色底物和辣根过氧化物酶混合,并通过添加半乳糖氧化酶来引发反应。反应在室温下孵育30分钟。半乳糖氧化酶与半乳糖反应生成过氧化氢,过氧化氢在HRP存在下与无色比色底物反应生成粉红色产物,该产物在560 nm处读取。半乳糖水平的增加导致颜色呈线性增加。执行试剂盒操作前请阅读详细说明书或咨询中昊新生(zhscience.com)。

半乳糖是己糖,它与葡萄糖的区别仅在于碳-4位上的羟基构型。 这种单糖以α-D-半乳糖和β-D-半乳糖的异头混合物形式存在,在牛奶,乳制品和许多其他食品(例如水果和蔬菜)中大量存在。 半乳糖在人体内的吸收是通过Na+/葡萄糖共转运体SGLT1和SGLT2从食物中穿过近端空肠和肾上皮的刷状缘膜。半乳糖的其他来源包括内源性生产和糖脂和糖蛋白的自然周转。成年人每天可以产生2g半乳糖。

Galactose is a hexose sugar that differs from glucose by the configuration of the hydroxyl group at the carbon-4 position. Present as an anomeric mixture of α-D-galactose and β-D-galactose, this monosaccharide exists abundantly in milk, dairy products and many other food types such as fruits and vegetables.

Absorption of galactose in humans is mediated by the Na+/glucose co-transporters SGLT1 and SGLT2 from food across the brush border membrane of the proximal jejunum and renal epithelium. Additionally, adults can produce up to 2 grams of galactose per day. Inside cells, β-D-galactose is epimerized to α-D-galactose and is subsequently converted to galactose-1-phosphate (Gal-1-P). In the presence of galactose-1-phosphate uridylyltransferase, Gal-1-P reacts with UDP-glucose to form UDP-galactose and glucose-1-phosphate. The glucose-1-phosphate produced can enter the glycolytic pathway or react with UTP in the presence of UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase to form a new molecule of UDP-glucose. This enzyme pathway comprises the evolutionarily conserved Leloir pathway of galactose metabolism. If the flow of galactose through the Leloir pathway is perturbed either due to congenital deficiency of any of the above-mentioned enzymes or an overwhelming presence of this hexose, toxicity syndromes (galactosemia) will be observed.

Arbor Assays为临床重要生物分子研发最高质量的检测和免疫分析试剂盒,在生物领域建立健全的免疫检测和酶活性试剂盒以定量生物分子。Arbor Assays检测试剂盒具有高灵敏性,适用多物种及操作步骤简单的特点。

北京中昊新生科技作为美国Arbor Assays中国代理,一直为国内客户提供及时高效的配送和更专业的产品技术支持。为您提供Galactose Assay Kit,半乳糖检测试剂盒最新现货优惠信息。
