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Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kit
货号:K049-H5 | 规格:5x96 well | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Arbor Assays
Arg8-Vasopressin ELISA试剂盒/Arg8-加压素ELISA试剂盒灵敏度:3.67 pg/mL,适用物种:Mammals,Reptiles,Fish,Birds。
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The DetectX® Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) Immunoassay Kit (ELISA) is designed to quantitatively measure AVP present in serum, plasma and tissue culture media samples.

检测类型: Competitive ELISA
样本类型: Extracted Serum, Extracted Plasma, Tissue Culture Media
灵敏度: 3.67 pg/mL
适用物种: Mammals, Reptiles, Fish, Birds
检测时间: Overnight Assay (16-18小时)
样品数/板: 39 in Duplicate
读数: Colorimetric, 450 nm

The Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kit quantitatively measures AVP in extracted serum, extracted plasma, and tissue culture media. The Arg8-Vasopressin (AVP) ELISA Kit is a competitive ELISA with a run time of 16 hours. Please read the complete kit insert for more information before performing this assay.

Use our provided AVP standard to generate a standard curve for the assay. Pipette the standards or diluted samples into a transparent microtiter plate coated with our goat anti-rabbit IgG antibody. Add the AVP peroxidase conjugate and the AVP polyclonal rabbit antibody. Then incubate the mixture covered at 4°C, shaking for 16 hours. The immunological reaction occurs between the anti-AVP antibody, the AVP antigen in the sample or standard, and the AVP-peroxidase conjugate. As the AVP concentration in the sample increases, the bound AVP-peroxidase conjugate decreases, causing a decrease in signal and vice versa.

After the 16-hour incubation, wash away the excess AVP-peroxidase conjugate and add the TMB substrate. The TMB substrate reacts with the bound AVP-peroxidase conjugate generating a signal detected by a plate reader at 450nm. Use the intensity and the standard curve to calculate the AVP concentration in the samples.

AVP is released in response to sexual stimulation, uterine dilatation, stress, and dehydration. AVP acts principally on renal collecting tubules to increase water reabsorption. Diabetes insidious, characterized by the inability to concentrate urine appropriately, is mainly caused by decreased AVP production and renal response to AVP. Inappropriate AVP secretion happens in certain situations, particularly in elderly patients and with central nervous system pathologies, such as head injury, stroke, or cerebral tumor, or as a side effect of central-acting drugs that interfere with hypothalamic regulation. AVP released directly into the brain may play an essential role in social behavior, sexual motivation, and pair bonding, as well as maternal responses to stress.