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首页 > 产品 > 产品类型 > 试剂 > 多糖标准品
Fetuin O glycan library,胎球蛋白O-多糖文库(未标记)
货号:CLIBO-FETUIN-01 | 规格:From 30 µg | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
The O-linked glycans in this product are released from 30 µgs of a fetuin standard that is purified from fetal calf serum.
The fetuin O-linked glycan library in this product have been released from 30 µgs of a fetuin standard that is purified from fetal calf serum. A fetuin N-linked glycan library and a fetuin glycoprotein are also available.

Source :The glycans in this product are released from a fetuin standard that is purified from fetal calf serum. Fetuin is a glycoprotein present in the circulation which is synthesized by hepatocytes. Fetuin exists in a variety of glycoforms containing bi-, tri-, and tetra- antennary oligosaccharides with variable sialylation.

Form :Dry. Lyophilised powder.

Storage: -20°C both before and after dissolving. This product is stable for at least 5 years as supplied.
Shipping :The product is shipped at ambient temperature.

Handling :Once dissolved avoid repeated thawing and refreezing, storage over 3 h at room temperature or above, exposure to light and long term exposure to acid as these will cause glycan desialylation.

Safety: The fetuin O-linked glycan library is non-hazardous and has been purified from natural sources certified to be free of all hazardous material including pathogenic biological agents.