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首页 > 产品 > 产品类型 > 试剂 > 多糖标准品
GPEP FA2 Glycopeptide Standard,GPEP FA2糖肽标准品
货号:GPEP-FA2-01 | 规格:Approx. 6 µg | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Ludger
The mixture is composed of two glycopeptides which are comprised of either an F(6)A2 glycan or a F(3)A2 glycan attached to the asparagine amino acid of a peptide with the sequence Lysine-Valine-Alanine-Asparagine-Lysine-Threonine (KVANKT).在所有类型多糖的化学和酶释放过程中使用的对照标准品。
A mixtures of two glycopeptides with either F(6)A2 glycan or a F(3)A2 glycan attached to the asparagine amino acid of a peptide with the sequence Lysine-Valine-Alanine-Asparagine-Lysine-Threonine (KVANKT).

m/z: 2104.9411
Amount: ~6 micrograms

Reconstitution: Due hydrophobic nature of the peptide it is difficult to dissolve this standard in water and therefore we recommend you reconstitute in a solution of 25% acetonitrile.