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Block Ace
货号:UK-B500 | 规格:500g | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:KAC
KAC Block Ace,封闭剂/blocking agent(UK-B500)是高阻断性新型免疫阻断剂,用于ELISA,RIA和Immunoblotting阻断抗原或抗体的非特异性结合。

日本KAC Block Ace powder 封闭剂/免疫阻断剂

Block Ace由牛奶蛋白制备而成,是一种高性能的新型免疫实验阻断剂/封闭剂。由于乳蛋白中包含许多疏水基团,因此它对塑料和膜过滤器具有很高的亲和力。因此,与传统的阻断剂如牛血清白蛋白(BSA)相比,Block Ace阻断剂适合在进行酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA),放射免疫测定(RIA)和免疫印迹(Immunoblotting)时阻断抗原或抗体的非特异性结合。


● 由于该产品具有高阻断作用,并将背景维持在低水平,因此可用于ELISA等低浓度检测。

● 经过热处理,牛源抗体、酶和病毒被灭活;

● 在加热和冷冻时是稳定的;

● 能稳定生理活性物质,可作为稀释剂使用;

● 与BSA溶液相比,Block Ace更经济;

● 能在水中迅速溶解。


Four (4) grams of Block Ace powder is dissolved into 100 mL of purified water, and this solution is used as a concentrate.


For blocking purpose, either concentrate or 2-4× diluted solution with purified water is used (4× diluted solution is used for ELISA; concentrate is used for Western Blotting).


For dilution of samples and labelled antibody, it is diluted to 10× with purified water.


For washing operation such as B/F separation, it is diluted to 10× with purified water, and the required volume of Tween 20 (0.05%–0.2%) is added.


Room temperature (it is cold transported)

(This product is heat treated, but there is no preservative or antibiotic. Once dissolved, it should be frozen before storage)

Block Ace与1%BSA溶液之间的封闭效果比较

Anti-human kappa chain antibody and anti-human ramda chain are coated, and it is blocked with either Block Ace or 1% BSA. Human IgG ELISA demonstrates that Block Ace has low background and a steep standard curve.


Block Ace: Blocking reagent还提供其他规格: UK-B80, 80g; UK-B40, 40g
