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NRicher™ Mx
货号:NIMX-10 | 规格:10 preps | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:Biotech Support Group
NRicher™ Mx用于所有生物流体和组织裂解物的通用富集,Biotech Support Group提供两个规格NRicher™ Mx,10 preps(NIMX-10)和50 preps(NIMX-50)。

NRicher™ Mx

General Enrichment for All Biofluids and Tissue Lysates

NRicher™ Mx用于所有生物流体和组织裂解物的通用富集,Biotech Support Group提供两个规格NRicher™ Mx,50 preps(NIMX-5010 preps(NIMX-10)


· 消耗性的化学衍生珠粒,与物种无关,因为它们不是来自抗体

· 富集任何来源的低丰度蛋白质组,从动物和人的血清/血浆中提取的细胞裂解液,白蛋白去除率>90%

· 可扩展方案,从小样本量到大样本量,从10µl到500µl,从低到高蛋白质浓度

· 富集的亚蛋白质组,用于更好地定量样品之间的靶信号

· 不需要任何专门的仪器,只需要一个微量离心机

· 磁珠格式适合自动化兼容(请咨询)

· 用于LC-MS分析的On-Bead消化,或用于任何功能性、酶促或免疫测定分析的选择性洗脱

NRicher™ Mx employs the use of a bead cocktail, which allows for one, rather than multiple LC-MS analyses to establish dynamic range compression. NRicher™ Mx is thus an all-purpose proteomic enrichment product that can be used for any sample type, from biofluids to tissue lysates. It is compatible with up to 1% non-ionic detergent concentrations.

NRicher™ Mx is particularly useful for discovery and quantification of membrane proteins, targets of over 50% of all therapeutic drugs, performing a variety of functions including:

Receptors which relay information between internal and external environments

● Adhesion

● Transport of molecules and ions into the cell

Membrane proteins are observable in serum/plasma due to ectodomain shedding, the proteolytic cleavage of cell surface proteins resulting in the loss of the extracellular domains. This mechanism is important in a variety of normal and pathological processes, including growth factor signaling, inflammation and cell survival.

NRicher™ Mx provides excellent 2-3X enrichment of membrane proteins from serum/plasma, the vast majority of which are not observable in neat serum. Circulating soluble forms of membrane proteins (i.e. sCD163) have been described as potential biomarkers of inflammatory disease and cancer. As such, they offer a rich source of potential personalized healthcare biomarkers.

Another example of NRicher™ Mx enrichment is α-Synuclein, a biomarker for Parkinsons Disease, observed with NRicher™ Mx, but not observed in neat serum.
