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TissueLyser II 中高通量破碎仪
货号:85300 | 规格:台 | 价格:¥0.00 | 品牌:QIAGEN
QIAGEN TissueLyser II 中高通量破碎仪用于分子分析的中高通量样品破碎。
TissueLyser II中高通量破碎仪用于分子分析的中高通量样品破碎。 QIAGEN TissueLyser II是一种球磨式的破碎仪,可同时快速处理多至 48 或 192个样品,得到完整的 DNA、RNA、和蛋白质用于高通量的分析。

• 操作方便,无交叉污染
• 三种不同的适配器,满足高通量分析
• 能处理多种样品,结果重现性高

每个样品加入研磨珠后高速震动,使得样品破碎并匀质化,每个样品管是封闭的,无交叉污染。除了不同规格的适配器,另外可选择研磨钢罐用于处理大量样品。如果不加裂解液破碎或样品未保存在稳定剂Allprotect或RNAlater中时,可将适配器在 –80℃ 预冷,以避免生物分子降解。

TissueLyser II可高效破碎人、动物、植物组织、细菌、酵母,在下游纯化得到高重复性的DNA、RNA和蛋白质,即使是难裂解的组织。

Genotyping, gene expression, and proteomics applications demand effective disruption of biological samples to ensure high yields of DNA, RNA, and protein. Effortless disruption with the TissueLyser II system is achieved through high-speed shaking with beads, which beat and grind samples. The TissueLyser II system delivers thorough and rapid disruption of samples to fully release biomolecules, and also simultaneously homogenizes samples to facilitate subsequent purification procedures using QIAGEN kits.

The TissueLyser II is an integral part of QIAGEN's complete solution for sample management — from sample collection to purification and analysis of DNA, RNA, and protein. The TissueLyser II complements QIAGEN automation for high-throughput sample preparation and analysis, such as the QIAsymphony SP. This easy-to-use instrument automates purification of DNA, RNA, and protein from 1–96 samples. The TissueLyser II is also compatible with QIAGEN manual sample preparation kits.

For RNA applications, stabilization of fresh tissues in RNAprotect Tissue Reagent prevents RNA degradation during sample handling. For applications requiring purification of DNA, RNA, and protein, these 3 analytes can be immediately stabilized by placing fresh tissues in Allprotect Tissue Reagent.

TissueLyser Adapter Sets allow processing of up to 2 x 96 samples in collection microtubes or up to 2 x 24 samples in 2 ml microcentrifuge tubes. The adapter sets can be precooled at –80°C if disrupting samples without lysis buffer. Tubes remain securely sealed during disruption to prevent cross-contamination, which is especially important for highly sensitive downstream applications, such as real-time RT-PCR or microarray analysis. Depending on the sample type, disruption is carried out using stainless steel, tungsten carbide, or glass beads. TissueLyser Bead Dispensers are available to conveniently deliver single beads into microcentrifuge tubes or to deliver 96 beads in parallel into collection microtubes. The TissueLyser II can also disrupt large samples when used in combination with Grinding Jar Sets.

The ability to process up to 192 samples per run makes the TissueLyser II the ideal front-end solution to access biological information for genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics applications. For next-generation, high-throughput sequencing technologies, the TissueLyser II is the disruption instrument of choice. A wide range of QIAGEN sample purification kits are compatible with the TissueLyser II, and sample purification can be performed manually or can be automated using the QIAcube, QIAsymphony SP, EZ1 Advanced, or BioRobot or BioSprint workstations.


• 快速、高效地破碎并匀浆类型广泛的生物样品;
• 提供多种DNase/RNase Free的裂解耗材有效杜绝交叉污染;
• 可重复的、标准化的样本破碎;
• 与QIAGEN样品纯化试剂盒无缝整合。